Thursday, January 31, 2008

Texas wildfires

It was so wild, the wild fires I mean. There I am walking across the parking lot and there is little bits of ash in the air. Not like a snow flurry but it was a flake or two you notice if you hold real still and focus. So its not a lot but concidering that these ashes are flying over 30 miles from where the Texas wild fires are burning in the hill country is a neat.

Oh don't worry, the fires are about 15 miles away from El Rancho de Braco. So no real threat of my house catching on fire or anything.

So the whole day everyone is kind of clearing their throats or a lite hacking cough. All this smoke and the cedar pollen has everyone kind of beat. What really amazed me was the smoke on the way back. Now Austin Minor (Round Rock, Texas) has been a polluted city ever since they sold their souls to Mayor Maxwell. Today however was different! Instead of the gray haze it was a thick light brown haze that totally surrounded you. The entire drive home was this light brown "fog"...even when I got to the normally clean air of the Hill Country.

Makes you feel pretty small and connected to a greater scheme of things at the same time.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A story of moral choices

You grow up and graduate high school and go on to college. Your high school girlfriend and you are so very happy. She is a wonderful girlfriend! She doesn't take your money, she doesn't nanny you, she doesn't keep you from doing anything, and she doesn't make you do anything you don't want to do. She doesn't endlessly ramble and speaks when she has something important to say. Because of her tremendous respect for you, you intern respect her very much and also return much of the same kindness and love.

You start growing wiser in college and in life and eventually you realize you can do better than than what you currently have, So you break it off with her. You start trying to court these really two hot models. They both promise to take care of every need that you have. They want to work for you, feed you, take care of you, heck they'll even call the clinic if you start to get a sniffle. This is great you say! How awesome! You manage to get them both home and they are totally for going home with you at the same long as you choose one of them at the end of the night.

They pour endless glasses of wine, put on great music, talk you up one side and down the other, they do naught naughty things to you. Then they take off their clothes and they are both men....dressed in drag.

Out in the rain and to freezing cold is your high school sweethart still wanting you back. Knowing that you are in there with the debauchery, still willing to accept you back. You can call her "The Republic" or the constitution. The two dudes are the DNC and the GOP.

When ever I hear anyone say that they are voting for the lesser of two evils I just shake my head. If you want to snuggle up to a cross dresser just because they are more "electable" then fine. I'm going to choose no evil and vote my principles. I vote Libertarian

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

News Bias - Fox News Corporation

Remember when I posted about the bias in the news media? Here you go:

Putting on the Double Time

I need to double time it on my analysis of the Rudy platform as it looks like this will be Rudy's last day in the presidential race. So here are the remaining planks to Rudy's 12 comman.....commitments.

5. I will impose accountability on Washington.

Look, no you won't. I don't know what is more contemptuous that you would think that we are so stupid to believe that you are going to clean up Washington or that some of us are actually that dumb enough to believe it.

6. I will lead America towards energy independence.

Judging by the rest of your plan it looks like you will stagnate our nation and will literally continue the very practice that keeps up behind on innovation..... Corporate welfare.

7. I will give Americans more control over and access to health care with affordable and portable free-market solutions.

No....I read your platform on that. You are looking to take additional federal funds that we do not have and spend it on health care for the poor. This will add to the causation of our enormous inflation and make the rest of us teeter in the edge of poverty.

8. I will increase adoptions, decrease abortions, and protect the quality of life for our children.

For it, then against it. if I believe you this week on this issue then how are you going to do it. Tax people more for getting an abortion? Remember that there is a Democratic congress? You don't have the power to do any of this.

9. I will reform the legal system and appoint strict constructionist judges.

Aka, you friends. Constructionist...not constitutionalist. Constructionist is the Neo-Conservatives new word for Imperialism. Its something that has been sprouting up lately. Remember you heard it here first.

10. I will ensure that every community in America is prepared for terrorist attacks and natural disasters.

Ich bevölkere die Völkerpolizei in jedem Haus, um Sie aufzupassen. Wenn Sie sogar sagen, daß alles gegen den Zustand, dann, das wir kennen, sind Sie ein Terrorist. sieg heil! sieg heil!

11. I will provide access to a quality education to every child in America by giving real school choice to parents.

BUW-HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! *GASP* ..... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. If you Read his platform he wants to double the size of the federal educationdepartment.

12. I will expand America’s involvement in the global economy and strengthen our reputation around the world.

Did anyone miss what happened when our stock market farted last week? Japan and several nations around the world literally shit their pants. How strong is strong? And about our reputation....yeah.....can we stop doing that? I am pretty sure that all the other nations are pretty pissed at our current "reputation".

Maybe its time to stop spreading our reputation and trying focusing on us for a few decades.

ok, there. That's all I really want to write about Rudy at the moment. Like I said its a high probability that he will drop out of the race when the votes come in.

The “Don” Giuliani - 12 Commitments: Cutting Taxes

Cutting taxes is 2nd to getting rid of the direct levy system that was imposed in 1914. Further, I would enjoy seeing excise and import taxes lifted also since it makes our domestic production more competitive as well as imports cheaper. I don't expect most of the candidates to understand the perpetual damage a direct levy system has. Not that they cannot understand at an Intellectual level but on a ethical level. In a nut shell it adds a multitude of bureaucratic levels from the IRS, to enforcement, to administration, to xyz. Look its 8:20 am in the morning and I just don't feel like nit picking.

Current as of 1/29/2008 @ 8:21 am

“I’ve seen how pro-growth policies lead to broader prosperity. We’ll not only keep the current tax cuts in place or their equivalent, we’ll enact additional tax relief and give the Death Tax the death penalty. High tax rates hurt business and destroy jobs. I know that tax cuts are good for the economy. It’s not just theory for me because I cut taxes and got results as Mayor of New York City. As President, I will cut taxes further.”

- Mayor Rudy Giuliani


Lower Marginal Tax Rates
Rudy will permanently lower marginal rates to the current level and possibly further.

What does he mean "marginal rates"? Does he mean capital gains?

Give The Death Tax The Death Penalty
Rudy will commit to ending the Death Tax so wealth passed on to future generations is not subject to this punitive tax while preventing double taxation. The current Death Tax sets the tax rate at 45% through 2009, drops to 0% in 2010, and reinstates the pre-tax cut rate of 55% in 2011.

Yes, nix this tax. We are so heavily taxed that we are almost in the same league as the British. And we tax you if you die! Does this sound like America or some punative action you would see in Oceania. I agree with Rudy on this one.... Kill the death tax

Prevent An Unprecedented Tax Increase
Rudy will commit to preventing the American public from facing a $3 trillion or more tax increase over the next 10 years by making the current tax provisions – like the marriage penalty relief and child tax credit – permanent and reining in the growth of the Alternative Minimum Tax.

No....that is favoring a class of citizens. Its unconstitutional and unethical to favor specific classes of people, in this case married people with children. Want tax relief....get rid of the IRS and stop almost all government spending.

Tie Alternative Minimum Tax To Inflation
Under Rudy’s plan, the Alternative Minimum Tax will be indexed for inflation to prevent it from unintentionally raising taxes on 30 million Americans – nearly one-fifth of all taxpayers.

uh?....It already is. Do you mean changing the index to move down as inflation moves up? Interesting concept. So as we spend, lets say, 50 billion and we collect 30billion and borrow the difference from China. Now we are going to collect less which means we borrow more....which means we print more money to pay off our debates....which leads to more inflation. You know Madagascar did that.....last I heard they were on the very edge of absolute chaos after a single decade of run away inflation, absolute destruction of the private sector, country wide starvation.

I don't think I can get behind this one.

Ensure Lower, More Competitive Corporate Tax Rates
Rudy believes that ensuring lower, more competitive corporate tax rates will solidify a strong and growing economy that creates jobs for Americans. America’s effective corporate tax rates are among the highest in the world and should be lowered from 35% to 25%. long as we lower the spending. Lowering a capital gains taxes has an affect on the capital side of the economic model. It allows a greater magnitude of investing...which is the fancy way of conveying the concept that business put money into new companies or old companies with new ideas that could earn them a return on their investment. Typically you see that in new jobs opening up to support a new business product or innovation.


Expand Tax-Free Savings Accounts
The expansion of tax-free savings accounts will encourage Americans to save and eliminate the double taxation of individuals’ current savings.

Triple taxation Rudy....we are triple taxed. Income tax, capital gains tax, and sales tax. Yeah....that's right. When you earn your money you are taxed, when you save your money you are taxed, and when you take that money that you saved to go buy something you are again taxed. There are a lot of under tones in Rudy's statement above. If its like the 401(k)s or IRA's we have now then I am not for it. The rules behind these tax deferral plans is so prohibitive that I cannot generate adequate savings. My 401(k) is already under performing and I cannot move it to a stable gold back IRA or mutual funds which have out performed the last five years to a level that my 401(k) is embarrassed to talk about....... going on the theory that my 401(k) is sentient and can talk.


Expand Health Care Choice Through Tax Code Reform
Rudy proposes an income exclusion of up to $15,000 for families without employer-based health coverage to make insurance more affordable.

Le sigh.... You wanna lower health cost. Revise the employer health insurance act to end the current system and move to a health account model. Employees put money in their health account and employers match it up to a certain percent. And this money stays in the account from fiscal year to fiscal year. Now what does this do....ok, pay attention Rudy.

First, with limit funds in your account that you monitor, you take greater care not to spend that money. Most Americans will take a on a greater sense of their personal health. Knowing that you level of personal care is directly tied to the use of your limited health care funds is a proven model for conservation, in this case taking care of your fat ass.

Second, it promotes competitive shopping. When was the last time you asked your doctor how much your [whatever you come in for] costs? Do you know in South America Hospitals rival ours? Just as clean, the doctors are just as smart and they are 1/4 of the cost at worst, typically 1/8 the cost. Did you know that you can do a series of round trips to a Brazilian doctor and it will still cost about 1/2 of a series of doctor visits here? So don't think that health care cost are high just because. That's idiot thinking. We are in an uncompetitive market with absolutely no market index on health care costs. You start making consumers demand an index and you'll see medical cost shed.

In addition, make the health care account a personal account. Meaning that it is not owned by the company. If you quit or whatever, that account and the money needs to follow you.

Assist Low-Income Americans To Secure Health Insurance
Rudy will commit to a Health Insurance Credit for low-income Americans that can be coupled with other revenue sources such as Medicaid and employer contributions to make coverage more affordable to millions who are uninsured.

I just read that as my taxes are going up. Thanks d*ck


When the federal income tax was first introduced in 1913, you could file on one page. The federal tax code is now over 9 million words (the Constitution is roughly 5000 words by comparison[1]), and Americans spend nearly 6.5 billion hours each year filling out tax forms, keeping records and learning tax rules, according to the OMB. The costs of complying with federal income taxes is $200 billion each year.[2]

Mayor Giuliani’s plan: the Fair and Simple Tax (FAST) form – will give all American taxpayers the option of filling out their taxes on a single page again. It has three rates – 10-15-30 – cutting the current 6 tax brackets in half. It will offer all Americans the opportunity for a tax cut while preserving the major deductions that people have come to depend upon: mortgage interest, charity, state & local taxes, the child tax credit, the personal exemption and the new Healthcare exclusion. The FAST form would allow people to opt between it and the regular federal tax code every year, depending on which made the most economic sense for them.

To view a draft form please click here:

Take a second here everyone....the IRS started small but was built upon over 95 years of government. All Rudy is going to do is hit the rest button and in 95 years we will be in another "oh shit" situation. Oh I won't see it but it will come around to screw my children over. I don't understand the logic behind making the paperwork easier will fix our tax problems. It will just make our tax problems faster to deal with. Yay! I get to pay faster! Whoopie!


Some Democrats seem to want to penalize success. Rudy Giuliani wants America to be a country that rewards success. That’s why we should cut the Capital Gains Tax from 15% to 10% and index capital gains for inflation – spurring private sector investment in a growth economy.

Win! on the capital gains tax but then there goes Rudy on indexing to inflation.


One of the secrets to America’s historic success is that we’re an engine of innovation – we pioneer new technologies and create new industries. But this Democratic Congress recently allowed the research and development tax credit to expire, choosing higher taxes over a commitment to America’s innovation edge in the global economy. We need to reinstate the Research & Development Tax Credit to help American companies find solutions to the great challenges we face – like achieving energy independence.

[1] Steve Forbes, “Flat Tax Revolution,” 2005, page 5.
[2] Chris Edwards, CATO Handbook on Policy, CATO Institute, 2004, Page 114

Le sigh.... just move on to the summary

Summary on The Don's Tax strategy.

Its clearly obvious he doesn't understand macro economics or econometrics. Not that I expect him too but I would expect his advisor's to know this. I would also expect his advisor's to put a better platform together.

Look if you want to improve the economy and fix the tax situation you need to do it at the same time. There are really two major themes to this 1) Lower or eliminate taxes and 2) lower or eliminate spending. I am for the latter on each of those. If you lower taxes you are just cutting you revenue while still spending the same and we are already at a point where we borrow a majority of the budget. So cutting taxes just means you borrow more from the Chinese or whoever.

If you just lower spending then you get a surplus, as with Clinton, but your citizen don't get to feel the effect of a lower federal budget, i.e. keeping their own damn money.

And when it comes to taxation there are actually FOUR forms of it that we currently face.

  1. Direct Levy, aka personal income tax
  2. Capital gains, what the government takes when your savings gives you interes. I.e you retirement account or your savings account.
  3. Consumer taxation, all sales taxes are found in the cost of the product you buy. From the raw materials, to the production plant, to transportation, to the imposed taxes at the retail store. All of those costs and the TAXES that come with them are in the cost of the goods you buy
  4. Inflation. Inflation is a tax on your income. Remember money is just a physical representation of the value of your overall purchasing power. Every day that dollar bill that you hold loses more and more of its value as the government prints new currency to pay its debtors. Ever wonder why we could buy a Coke for 25 cents when you where a kid and now its a dollar. Why phone calls were 25 cents and now they are 50 to 75 cents. Your money loses value as the government makes more of what you have in your hand to pay of the debt that they generate from their grossly upside down budget.
Are you starting to get why I say that Rudy is reading from the queue cards?

Brittney Spears

I am getting tired of writing about B.S.. Really tired of it. Yeah it was fun at first to watch crazy jump off the crazy tracks but now...her crazy is normal. She is always crazy now. She has ...."shifted the mean" so to say and now her crazy antics are just plain normal for her.

And her sister is starting in on the crazy and I am like "F!" I have to write about her now too! Its just to much. I'll leave the B.S. posting to this

She is crazy as crazy does

Monday, January 28, 2008

The “Don” Giuliani - 12 Commitments: Fiscal Discipline

I had one of these Louis Black know where he throws is hands up in the air, shakes his head side to side, and just loses it. I had that moment when I read Rudy's comment on
Fiscal Discipline

Current as of 1/28/2008 @ 9:19am

“All spending is discretionary. Read the Constitution. Congress has to appropriate it; the President has to sign it. All spending is discretionary and it has to be looked at from the point of view of, can we afford it now? Is it appropriate to pass it on to the next generation? This is what I did in
New York City. I restored fiscal discipline …”

- Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Remarks On 12 Commitments To The American People,
Bedford, NH, 6/12/07

Read the constitution! This coming from Rudy! I am going to spend the rest of the day looking out the window so I can be the first to see pigs fly. Coming from the guy that wants stricter gun regulations, and to continue aggression with out a declaration of war, and to continue to expand the governments role in free markets, and a avid supporter of the unPATRIOT act....I am baffled.

Anywho, here we go.


Anonymous earmarks, concealed budgeting, and special interests waste taxpayer dollars within the Federal budget

Over the last decade, non-defense spending increased 72%, while the number of earmarks increased from 1,000 to nearly 10,000. Rudy Giuliani will impose fiscal discipline and accountability through a combination of executive action and legislative reform. (The Budget of the U.S. Government, Fiscal Year 2008, Historical Tables; Citizens Against Government Waste,

Ok, I like that. I only wish that earmarks, concealed budgeting, and special interest funding had even a marginal shadow compared to the two biggest line item budgets that our federal government now faces: Military spending (#1) and Welfare (#2). If you wonder why Bill Clinton took on a reduced budget for the military and actively tried to reduce welfare then you might say....hey this guy has his eye on the big spending. But we are not talking about Bill Clinton.

End Earmarking & Start Budgeting Like a Business: Rudy’s plan will make government more honest, accountable, and transparent by making Congress budget more responsibly, like American businesses and taxpayers

* Stop irresponsible and anonymous earmarks.

* Require mandatory sunset clauses for all Federal programs.

* Require Congressional Budget Office cost estimates for all legislation before it is voted upon.

* Create separate capital and operating budgets.

* Bring generally accepted accounting principles to the Federal government.

Stop the ear marks, cool with me! Sunset clauses, cool with me! CBO giving a cost est., cool with me! Separate capital and OpEx, cool with me! I just have to wonder though...this is all on the premise that Congress is just gonna say "ok, fine with me. We'll do everything you say." Still, the rhetoric is postive. As for bringing GAAP standards to the government....can Congress be the next Enron or is the Justice Department going to sue the Executive and Legislative branch....can you even do that? So yourself I mean? Regardless....still some good gum flapping. I support it.

Reduce the Federal Civilian Workforce by 20% through Attrition and Retirement: Within the next decade, 42% of the Federal Civilian Workforce – some 300,000 bureaucrats - will retire. (Congressional Budget Office, “Characteristics and Pay of Federal Civilian Employees”, 3/07)

* Replace only half, making the Federal government smaller and smarter through increased use of technology and privatization.

* Eventually saving the taxpayers $21 billion each year, while ensuring that the Federal government is focused on performing its essential responsibilities (Congressional Budget Office, “Characteristics and Pay of Federal Civilian Employees”, 3/07).

me likey likey! :)

Require Agencies to Identify at Least 5% to 20% in Spending Reductions

Requiring agency heads to identify savings and increased efficiencies in each annual budget – as Rudy Giuliani did as Mayor – is a management tool that will lead to constant streamlining and more cost-effective government spending without compromising national security in the search for savings.

I think this might be one of the few planks to the Don's manifesto that I can agree with. I support this!

Propose a Constitutional Amendment Establishing a Presidential Line-Item Veto
A constitutional line-item veto would allow the President to fight for the national interest by cutting wasteful special interest programs without contributing to gridlock by vetoing an otherwise sound bill.

Well....this was enacted into Law by a Republican congress for a Democrat president. Then later deemed unconstitutional by a Republican judge, then struck from law by a Republican majority of the supreme court. Makes your head spin huh? So here is the deal...the House of Representatives and the House of the Senate duly enact legislation to be signed (or vetoed) into law by the president. By permitting the President additional powers to strike these pieces of legislation you are giving an unbalance of power to the Executive branch. While at times I support the line item veto I can't sit here and support it. It like opening Pandora's box. I think the true reform comes from us and our ability to criticize our elected Representatives and Senators. If you start firing them then they'll stop.

Use GAPStat to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Federal Agencies & Eliminate Wasteful Spending
Rudy’s plan establishes a Government-wide Accountability Program [”GAPStat”] based on New York’s successful CompStat program to better evaluate each agency, analyze the effectiveness of Federal programs, and identify those that are wasteful, failing or duplicative.

* Allows the Office of Management and Budget to evaluate effectiveness in a new way, hold Congress accountable for the wasteful programs it funds, and offer specific solutions to save taxpayer dollars.

Six Sigma, TQM, LEAN, Process Improvement, Smart Management, CompStat or call it GAPstat. Whatever. Its basically what we do in business to lower our OpEx and increase our operating profit. My only beef is that Rudy is well know to hire personal friends in no bid contracts. We have plenty of that In Texas with Gov. Rick Perry and its a disaster. This fella smells of corruption.

Summary, in all I almost totally support his fiscal discpline. I do admit that on somethings he focuses on the small stuff and not the big gapping black hole in our budget.

Cedar Fever

Well I am eating breakfast and I am looking out the window. The Cedar Pollen is spewing off the Cedar trees. When the wind blows you can see these long streams of pollen clouds.

Don't say I didn't warn you city folks.

Movie Review

Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story

Its a wait until you get that gift card to Block Buster so you can rent the DVD. Even my mild Crush for Jenna Fisher couldn't get me to go see this movie again. I will admit that its good for a good few quotes.....those of which you can get off the internet.

Michael Clayton

Boy...does George Clooney ever make a bad film? I but this one behind Syrina but not by much and maybe even tied. Should you go see it now that it is back in theaters? Yes! Should you get there earlier since everyone else will be also? Yes! Should you get the ten dollars fvcking tub of pop-corn? *angry*

Go see Michael Clayton. Its gooderly

Media mongers

The Westboro Baptist Church is in the media again. You may remember them from such protests as the fallen American solider that was buried, or the other American solider that was buried, or....well you get the line of the examples I am giving you. These people [The Westboro Baptist Church] protest and picket the funeral ceremonies.

These people, these American soldiers, have a sexual life style that they [The Westboro Baptist Church] doesn't approve of. They [The Westboro Baptist Church] feel that it is their role to protest and picket the funerals to show that g-d doesn't approve of a homosexual life style. I would venture to say they are reading from the Christian bible...the same bible that has this quote "Whatever you do unto the least of these, you do unto me" or "Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you".

I guess what this Pharisees needs to remember is that their cup may be clean but their soul holds wickedness and contempt for their brothers and sisters. The message of g-d, as I interpret it, and the love do not stop when you choose to stop living by his word. Those that understand the message are held to the standard to always love and forgive.

I hope that this group [The Westboro Baptist Church] can take some time to reflect.

Working out again

Here I am at my desk....eating a bowl of paste quality rice with Sesame chicken from the lunch room. And how does it taste.....goooooooooooood. Yeah, I just got done with a short work out and had very little eat all day. So this Sesame bowl is super yummy and I've got the Vapors "Turning Japanese" song suck in my head.

Look folks this is the random crap the bounces around in my skull

Also, as I mentioned, I am working out again. I realized that my ulcer, lack of sleep, and general being a dick mode was due to a great amount of work and very little break time. So I am taking my lunch break and forcing my self to at least to 30 minutes of the elliptical bike for 30 minutes and having it set on "fvck this is hard" mode.

In a month I'll had some bad ass legs and a beer gut. But damn it! I'll have some mighty strong legs.

Could come in handy when the first of the fiscal year promotions come down the pipe and things turn Thunder dome around here.

*widdling chop sticks in to short spikes*


The headlines at MSNBC reads "Study: Bush led U.S. to war on 'false pretenses' ".

I don't know what makes me more angry....the fact that the media is just now starting to report on this or the fact that they knew about this back then and refused to talk about it during the build up of the war. The Bush administration is contemptuous as the very least.

To sit here and listen to these Journalist "think tanks" just now come to the conclusion that the war was bunk really nasty that I don't want to put on my blog.

They wouldn't come out against the war because they couldn't make money off of it. They feared being called unpatriotic. They are sell outs and cowards, the lot of them!

Instead of reporting the news they supported the war build up by NOT reporting the news and only reporting pro-war propaganda.

Murrow is rolling in his grave. I hope every journalist reads this....and if you are then you need to know that you are a two bit, worthless whore of a person and damn you for calling yourself a journalist.

Movie Review

Smoking Aces

This was one of those Las Vegas mob type movies. Like get Shorty or something. It sets several plot lines off at once and you get to sit back and watch the melee. You do get to see Ben Afflack get whacked in the first twenty minutes....major plus and probably his best performance.

It also has Alica Keys...... :)

Nacho Libre

Yes..........another Jack Black film and no I don't know when he will stop.

Strangely he made nunnery look hot and that damn song is stuck in my head. Don't watch this movie unless you are dead set on going insane from seeing that damn song. Aye aye yie yie

The “Don” Giuliani - 12 Commitments: Immigration

“Real immigration reform must put security first because border security and homeland security are inseparable in the Terrorists’ War on Us. The first responsibility of the federal government is to protect our citizens by controlling America’s borders, while ending illegal immigration and identifying every non-citizen in our nation. We must restore integrity, accountability and the rule of law to our immigration system to regain the faith of the American people.” – Mayor Rudy Giuliani

We need to watch out. We really really need to watch out here. So many of the candidates are linking our national security with immigration as if the two were one in the same. Here is the bubble burster....its not. It can be said that they are linked but that is the same with our foreign policy and military organization.

Our problems with immigration stems from a system that gives entitlement of aid and goods to illegal immigrants. It also gives an entitlement of aid and goods to legal immigrants also. You need to understand why people immigrate here rather than...oh...lets say Croatia. Do you see mass droves of Mexican people hoping planes, trains, and automobiles to the Croatian borders? Pretend that Croatia was attached to Mexico....would you see Mexican children running ahead of the parents skipping down a torn up road to their new half blown up house in the middle of a war torn nation?

People come to America to work. To make money. To live freely. It is one of the greatest sources of pride that I get when I met a new immigrant and they talk about how the freedoms are so much better here than from where they came from. That they can work hard and make something of themselves here.

But I have lived in a border state all my life and I get a pretty good account of what is happening lately. I now notice that most immigrants don't have to work. They get checks from the state and national government that exceeds two fold what someone would get from Social Security. And that's for the Illelgal immigrants. Free medical, Free education, Free money, Free housing some of the yeah, now America took down the sign that said "Work hard, live free" To "Come here and vote for us and will pay you". Ok, so on to The Don's platform:

Current as of 1/23/2008 @ 8:29 am


Bring Order To The Border

Congress authorized the construction of 700 miles of border fence in 2006 and then appropriated over $1.1 billion for border security. However, Washington has only built a few dozen miles of fence. Rudy will commit to building the fence – both physical and high-tech – now, while deploying and maintaining 20,000 Border Patrol agents and measuring their progress toward ending illegal immigration. It is important to accomplish this goal in order to preserve and expand legal immigration.

Why oh why do we have a military if the border patrol is doing THEIR job for them? Does it bother any of our service men and woman that they signed up to defend our nation and then the border patrol gets to do it?

Also, we have a fence already. They dig under it, climb over it, and hell sometimes they make holes in the fence and climb through it.

Remember folks, a wall good enough to keep "them" out is also good enough to keep you in.

Implement BorderStat

Rudy will propose BorderStat to bring accountability to measuring the progress in securing our borders. BorderStat is modeled after the Mayor’s successful New York City program CompStat which helped reduce the city’s crime by imposing accountability. It will use key indicators to identify both effective enforcement strategies that demonstrate tangible results and areas of the border where we are failing so the failures can be immediately corrected.

Readers, take a second to research The Don. I call him The Don for a reason. His history is violent, corrupt, and dirty. He is well known for pushing for partnerships with New York to his personal friends. He literally is a mobster and the media has reported on his mob ties before.


Issue A Single, Tamper-Proof Biometric ID Card

Rudy will propose the Secure Authorized Foreign Entry Card (SAFE Card) to be uniform for all non-citizen workers and students, utilizing tamper-proof and biometric features for secure identification.

Who is going to get this card? Canadians? Mexicans? Most likely then everyone that looks like a Mexican is going to be asked for this card. Then everyone that is Mexican is going to have to get this card. But then that is racist so everyone will have to get this card. There National ID. Congrats, the Ghestapo.

Create A Single National Database Of Foreigners

It is critical to America’s security to have one national database of non-citizens in our country. Rudy will propose consolidating all existing databases into one so a foreigner’s legal status can be quickly checked.


Identify Those Who Have Left The Country With Biometric Check-out System

Forty-five percent of illegal immigrants in America came into our country legally but overstayed their visas. Rudy believes we need a biometric check-out system so we know who has left America and can focus enforcement on those who remain.

What is with his bio-metric slant? Anyways, why can't we hire civilian companies to do this. The Federal government is well known for being inefficient. While private companies live and die by their performance. Then what happens when I want to take a trip to Ireland or something. Do I have to surrender my DNA to the government. Oh I can here it now "Well if you ain't dun nothin illegal then wat do u you haave to worry bout', he he he".

Yeah, as long as the government doesn't want to kill me than I should live my life as a fat, happy, stupid person. Screw holding the government to a set of standards and law.


Deport All Illegal Aliens Who Commit A Felony

America currently only deports 14% of the roughly 300,000 foreigners who commit crimes in our country. Rudy will commit to deporting all foreign individuals who have abused their privilege of staying in the United States.

As long as we are not talking about running a stop sign or something then I can agree with this.


Require All Immigrants to Truly Read, Write & Speak English

Rudy believes immigration and Americanization go hand-in-hand. As President, he will propose that all immigrants who want to become citizens must truly read, write, and speak English and learn American civics. For the American experiment to succeed, we need a common language.

Yeah, that's actually normal. They should also surrender any dual citizen status. Sorry you cannot wave two flags as your home country.

In all, immigration is not hard to get right if you know what the problem is. Rudy is from New Yak and not Texas. I can't see here and in his speeches that he gets what the immigration problem is. Cause immigration is not the problem. The problem IS the entitlement system.

Major News Media Bias

This is something my wife starts talking about when ever I get excited about Ron Paul. "Yes he knows what he is talking about", "Yes he has the track record to back it up", "Yes he represents us better than any candidate could ever hope to" but then she follows it up with "But he won't win because the media doesn't want him to win".

I keep writing her off as a pessimist but its getting to the point where I am starting to agree with her. For over a month now I see Ron Paul beating all odds and coming out with surprise results. Iowa #4, NH #4 again I think, NEVADA #2, and SC was a #5 but hey whatever. If you total all the votes Ron Paul is chomping at the heels of #3 from his very strong #4 spot.

With his constant performance and the merry-go-round of 1st place position, Ron Paul has a strong chance of making an upset.

Yet NONE of this is talked about at all. Hell I heard CNN today talk about the four GOP candidate; Hucknator, Wrong Knee, Citizen Kane, and The Don. WTF! Rudy Giuliani is getting his ass handed to him. He was losing to Thompson of all people who was trailing Ron Paul by a wide margin. Yet he is a front runner!?!?! DO the numbers mean nothing....these are peoples votes here.

Today I am looking as this huge graphic of Thompson with pages of news history about him. This is the guy in a distant 5th place spot! This guy dropped out today.

And Ron Paul who scored #2 in Nevada...... nothing. Zilch, Zip, Nada. Black listed. You would think the news would report news and not petition for their selected candidates at the exclusion of others. But what do you expect out of


Heath Ledger

He's dead

update: This made a whole lot more sense the day I posted it on the other blog.

Rest in Peace Heath

When will September end?

I am watching the presidential whoring of America this year. Its an interesting event to watch .... like watching a train wreck. I am starting to put some thought behind why I feel the way I do. I mean I listen to all the Demies and the GOPiers and I hear fear mongering and pandering. Its nothing new I suppose...but this year it is starting to hit home. No, not the fear. The fear mongering I mean I just feel that our Republic is dying in a squabbling fervor of childish name calling and hair pulling.

On the blue isle I hear that we need more government for Health Care, More Protection from boogie men in Businesses, and More Government against the GOP. Then I hear that we need more Government to make more Business, More Protection from boogie men in the sand, and more Government against the DNC. well.....except for Ron Paul but that is another story.

And then there is the media who in, amazingly, the same breath make Anna Nichole Smith THE number one story while ignoring what many would call "real" issues. Yes, they are a business and they have whored themselves out, to hell with their ethics. People are scared and I don't blame them. Where do you go now for some guidance? Its been our parents generation and ours that said to hell with personal reasoning and thinking for yourself.

My brother sparked this epiphany when he said "So I suppose you're ok with looking out your living room window and seeing a battle ground". Honestly I would rather not! I would like to see my yard and the hard work I put into it. I would like to see my children enjoying their play time. I would like to see my wife taking a walk with my daughter and looking at the butterflies. I would like to see my mother tending to her garden. But if the question is asked "Am I scared to fight to defend my nation even at the cost of having my security threatened from a foreign or domestic army" then my answer is No.....the free and the brave live here, in this house at least.

So I hear all but one of the GOP Candidates tell me to fear the boogie man. I hear the Demies telling me to fear mass groups of the population dying due to lack of medical care. As if in November million will die if I make the wrong choice.

What happened to the land of the free and home of the brave? the political parties

Thompson is leaving the race

Well played sir

Hillary ClintonDon Giuliani
John EdwardsMike Huckabee
Mike GravelJohn McCain
Dennis KucinichRon Paul
Barack ObamaMitt Romney

Fred Thompson

ok, I tried

I tried! I tried to move over to Word Press. With all the cool gadgets and wiz-bangs and foozle-naz-whos but I just couldn't get you folks to move on over to :

The Hill Country Blogger @ Word Press

I thought about even stripping this site down and having it redirect. That was until I started getting e-mails asking why I haven't posted. Or why I was moving. Or why I hadn't cleaned the dishes in the sink you ungrateful bastard.

So I give....I'm going to attempt to syndicate myself on Word Press and on Blog spot. So this means I'll be adding my posts for the last week from my Word Press blog. Don't say I never gave you anything!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Going Gypsy

Well Marko at the Marko: Munchkin Wrangler sposted about his defecting to WordPress. And being the open minded and constantly tickering individual that I am decided to take a look......
I feel in love with Word Press.

Folks I have already imported my entire blog, set up the music...yes music, and setting up my links. Here is the new link

Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy Dáil Éireann Day

Fly'em high, Fly'em proud.... for a day in the future it will be.

The "Don" Giuliani - 12 Commitments: Commitment One

“The great challenge of our generation is to win the Terrorists’ War on Us. We need to stay on offense and address all the immediate threats we face. Our government and international institutions must transform themselves to fight the terrorists. To ensure our victory is permanent we need to work on changing the environment that allows terrorists to prosper. We will work closely with our allies to spread good government, global prosperity and defeat common enemies.” – Mayor Rudy Giuliani

Source: as of 1/21/2008 at 10:25am
First off I disagree with his stance on terrorism.

So why put that quote up there? It underscores his nativity about terrorism and global interaction. Its a stance that just says" Wha wha! We got attacked out of the blue! Well we will show them"

Look. Any student of history can tell you the folly of our international policy for the last century. South America, East Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Asia Pacific, and a long list of small countries have all seen the United States Foreign policy destroy their right to run their own country.

Giuliana continues this ignorant foreign policy that assumes that the self titled only super power has the responsibility to police the world. Folks, thats imperialism with less carbs and frankly other nations are NOT going to receive us with open arms.

Something else that bothers the bejesus out of me is that he states we must change to fight terrorism. In this war of ideas that transcends national boundaries, Continental shelfs, and even into racial do we as a nation change to fight an idea? I've seen first hand some of the changes we enact under the color of law. Profiling, Active surveillances of American citizen, Warrantless wire taping, That Bull Dog program that NSA has for reading e-mail, Suspension of Habeas Corpus, and just so many more programs that now seem to be the norm. All this to fight the idea of Terrorism.

Seems I remember hearing on the news that the terrorist were going to take away our civil liberties. Looks like we got played...we should have been looking over our shoulder and not at the Middle East.

Rudy wants to continue this:

Defeating al-Qaeda
Mayor Giuliani’s goal will be to kill or capture the al-Qaeda leadership, destroy the capabilities of the group, and discredit its radical ideology. The main fronts against Al Qaeda are in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

Well....this is the one thing I can get behind Rudy on. Al-Qaeda should have had a Mark of reprisal. Osama Been Forgotten should have been locked away in our prison system to become the prison beotch. We should have dismantled Al Qaeda infrastructure, and discredited Al Qaeda. We did the exact opposite. They now have the global stage in the politics in every nation. We have done very little to catch OBL. Al Qaeda fights in the shadows while we still cling to traditional battle tactics. We have emboldened the radical ideology of Al Qaeda. We are creating our hell.

Defeating Hezbollah and Hamas
While al-Qaeda poses the most immediate threat, other Islamic terrorist groups are building the capability to harm us, our interests, and our allies. Hezbollah killed more Americans pre-9/11 than any other terrorist group. Hamas is a brutal terrorist group that murders the citizens of our ally Israel, and also has a significant role in the worldwide jihadist network of terrorists waging war on us. Both groups enjoy Iran and Syria’s backing, and these countries must be held accountable for this support – and for the support they give to other terrorist groups.

Bring a “Surge” to Afghanistan
Mayor Giuliani would double the amount of American-led combat troops in Afghanistan to help defeat al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorists there and stabilize the region. 1970 we watched the USSR invade and conquer Afghanistan. Under direction from a Texas Congressman, the CIA supplied arms and aid to Afghanistan resistance fighters. The debate is open if this was a wise idea but the fact remains that our former ally is now our enemy. Regardless, this sense that we have to do something is on the table. SO I'll ask the question "Why should we" The Soviet Invasion was in response to the civil war of the pro-communist over throw of the Afhanistan kingdom. It was apparent that people wanted communism but only a few wanted their liberty. Yet we get involved and help them turn the tide of Communism. Then they decided on having a Theocracy, so now what? We have to sit there and bail them about again? What's the point? Should we keep "helping" the Afies until they adopt a form of government that we like? At what point does the democratic process start? You know a free society is born when the idea of Civil Liberty is held above the state. Are the people of Afghanistan willing to rise above the state and claim their liberties. Are they willing to spill THEIR blood to fight the resurgence of the Theocratic state? Occupation is on the horizon.

Preventing WMD Attacks
America needs expanded security capabilities and credible deterrent threats to stop an attack on U.S. soil.

Yup, I agree. That is what the military is suppose to be here defending the borders of the United States. Where have our troops been deployed too? I doubt anyone of the men and woman that volunteer to defend our nation said "I can't wait to work for the U.N" or "Golly, NATO is waaaaay better than the U.S. army". Indeed, our troops need to do what our Constitution allows them to do...defense of our national border. Ground pounders go North to South. Squid lovers go East to West. Is that an easy military policy to understand?

Strengthening Domestic Tools
Mayor Giuliani supports important tools like the PATRIOT ACT and FISA, and will work together with Congress to improve our ability to stop terrorists at home – without compromising the rights of U.S. citizens.

Simply having the un-PATRIOT ACT on the books is an egregious violation of our civil rights. Or does he mean that after the PATRIOT ACT then he'll start protecting our rights or is it before? Or when is it?

Change the environment
Prevent the Rise of Future Terrorists

Well, I have already made the statement that he doesn't seem to understand WHY terrorism happens. He just happens to know where most of them [the terrorist] live. Well even him knowing where most of the live is debatable. How long have we know about the fundamentalist camps in Saudi Arabia that are support by the government there? It was one of the first things I heard about right after 9/11. Yet Rudy talks as if it was Iraq that attacked us.

So Rudy, if you like to read blogs. Take a second to read why people in the middle east started hating us. Its a real eye opener. At some point we are going to have a collectives forehead smacking moment and say "Doh!"

Reworking Foreign Aid
Mayor Giuliani will tie annual aid packages for Arab and Muslim states to performance-based benchmarks that encourage recipients to help us win the Terrorists’ War on Us and fighting radical Islam.

More "Do it our way"ism...still taking our foreign policy as a mandate to other nations. Look, we have problems here. We cannot afford our government, we cannot afford to save, we are in debt to the point where it looks like the government will lose all solvency and yet here we are giving money to nations that overtly and covertly take action against us.

You cannot physically fight radical Islam much like you cannot fight radical Christianity. Both groups are moon bat crazy. Both groups hate and recuit others to hate...We "won" over radical Christianity by taking the reason to hate away. We won the war of ideas. As long as we keep giving cause to the Radical Islamics then you just give them greater weapons of motivation.

Terrorist Propaganda
Mayor Giuliani would be more aggressive about combating illegal terrorist propaganda and would seek to cut off their funding and resources.

Did anyone catch that? Terrorist Propaganda comes from tapes they give to the Middle Eastern news. That news comes to us via the internet. Sure as hell not show on Fox news at 7pm. So I guess this "war" is going to bleed over to the internets and we have to have those regulated too?!?

By the way.....What is legal terrorist propaganda? How does one determine what is legal and illegal terrorist propaganda? And....does that standard apply to U.S propaganda?

Establish an International Center for Freedom from Terrorism
To increase cooperation between the United States and her allies, the Center will enable terrorism experts from each government to maintain constant contact, sharing information and plans with each other. Building a dedicated international institution will helpease the exchange of information, stop terrorist attacks, and ensure that our allies remain committed to helping us win the Terrorists’ War on Us.

......serious? That is the solution right there? If we create this I.C.F.T. then 1) our government departments will start talking to each other 2) Work with each other 3) Stop terrorist attacks 4) And guarantee our "allies" will remain committed to helping us "fight" terrorism.

Well....sign me up then! Sounds like a dream! Can we dismantle the Department of Homeland Security then? It was there to do the same thing and that has been an absolute disaster.

Rudy Giuliani "You cannot protect yourself so I'll do it for you by making more government", Vote for me. yaaaaaaay

Transform Institutions
Introduce a Comprehensive Approach to Fighting Terrorism

This has about as much thought put into it has a two year old has with play-dough before they start eating it.

Strengthen the U.S. Military
Mayor Giuliani will ensure that our military has all the forces, tools, skills, and technologies it needs to defeat the terrorists and address other future threats. He will add at least 10 new combat brigades to the Army and will expand our Navy to more than 300 ships. He will ensure that the Air Force has the new refueling tankers it needs, and will build a new long range bomber to replace the B-52.

*COUGH* PANDERING-TO-THE-MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL-COMPLEX */COUGH* Look, you want to strengthen the U.S. Military. Let them do their god given right and stand between us and the enemy on the soil of the United States. Should their blood spill it should be on U.S soil. Let them do their job and not nanny some other country. I can think of no greater strength than defending our country

Refocus Intelligence Community
Mayor Giuliani will revitalize and refocus the intelligence community to produce solid human intelligence on terrorist groups and activities.

Ok, So Giuliani is going to accuse the CIA of having ADD or something? Look here, the CIA warned of our involvement in Iran, South America, Central America, Afghanistan, Iraq, and countless other nations. And....they have been right. They also discredited the intelligence source for our current Iraq occupation. What will refocusing them, if they need to be refocused at all, if the executive refuses to listen to them?

Expand NATO
Mayor Giuliani will work with our NATO allies to expand the organization into a global security organization. The new NATO should dedicate itself to confronting significant threats to the international system, from territorial aggression to terrorism. Membership should be opened to any state that meets basic standards of good governance, military readiness, and global responsibility, regardless of its location.

Is he trying to make himself king for something? This sounds like a global military... When does the Imperialism stop and the conservatives in the GOP out this line of thinking?

Create a Stability and Reconstruction Expeditionary Corps
Mayor Giuliani will build a new hybrid military-civilian corps that will help stabilize failing states and prevent the emergence of new terrorist safe-havens.

Staatspolizei, YIPPIE! I've always wanted to have my front door kicked in. Nothing says Loving Government then a shit load of more control.

For all my ranting and raving I have got to we need to be protected? What happened to the very basic things our government is suppose to do but are not? Border protection? If 9/11 wasn't a wake up call that we need to return to basics than I don't know what is. I can't see endorsing MORE military and MORE government growth as the solution if already the current government cannot executed as sworn when taking office almost eight years ago.

Having us attack foreign lands all in the name of defense of our nation is taking away from the glaring problem that we have if NOT protecting our nation here and now. Having us look away and not look in the mirror is just more of the same politiks we have been subjected to.

One last note before we move on to the next plank in Giuliani's manefesto, I do not want to galvanize the world governments into one. I like my once-a-former-Republic governments hands down to what some world governing body could come up with.

Blogging the Perestroika

I've got about 10 months until the presidential election and so I think I might embark on a little political blogging here. Oh, not that I haven't already but the musing have been more of a surface level blogging. What I want to do is take every candidate and break down their platform. The purpose is to say why I am for it or against it. I hope by the end that my readers can not only understand my position on the issues but it will allow my readers to understand the candidates positions. It might help them make a educated choice, even if they are going to vote for the same person coming out of this as when they went in to this exercise.

I am going to address the candidates in this order. As there are more Republicans in the race I will start with them first then move to a Democrat...all in alphabetical order. So here is the list:

Giuliani, Rudy
Clinton, Billary
Huckabee, Mike
Edwards, John
McCain, John
Gravel, Mike
Paul, Ron
Kucinich, Dennis
Romney, Mitt
Obama, Barack
Thompson, Fred

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Hemorrhaging money

I buy clothes.....maybe once every time I have a child. I mean I seriously put on a total monk line of attitude when it comes to buying clothes. Its usually along the tone of "Hey you don't have to be embarrassed when you see me naked so stop comparing my shirt to your Egyptian cotton polo".

Am I right? As long as my clothes are washed and I don't pull a two-dayer on my favorite shirt them what's the beef? Anywho, I figured that its about time I took a little more interest in what I wear and what it looks like to other I am some piece of flippen art....*FOOHEY*

Wife and I went out to Ross "Livin' the thug life", Dress for less. What the hell is up with their mens section. Every shirt, every jean, pant, and shoes are totally geared to "tricking" yourself out. Then you have the nice dress shirts. There is absolutely no middle ground. Where is the single colored polo I am used to? Where is the Nice Izod shirts that last for so long? What happened to Ocean Pacific Brand I tell you?!?!

Well I ended up blowing $50 on a pair of shoes and a shirt. No wonder people cannot afford health insurance! You'll blow your Xanax budget if you buy a pair of socks!

Today we ended up at Ross, Academy, and after a stop at a taqueria we ended up at Wal-Mart of all places. Yes, Wal-Mart! land of the free "To go deer huntin" T-shirts and home of the brave......enough to be 300 pounds and wear spandex. God bless them! Nothing says America like shopping at a mega retailer buying cheaply made Chinese goods in your "My pretty wife is at home" plastic mesh hat and skipping a shower for the third day straight. And if you pick up that Earnhardt Desk Lamp and listen real close you can still hear all the little Chinese children screaming.

Well when it was all said and done for we spent well over $200 dollars in our quest to obtain our title as "Consumer whores". I think I am going to get my plaque bronzed and then maybe deep fried.

This is the Hill Country Blogger.....leaving the red light on for you. Night'all


Chuck Norris said that McCain is told old to be president.....
No one gives a fvck chuck

For reals this time

Hunter threw in the towel.

Hillary ClintonDon Giuliani
John EdwardsMike Huckabee
Mike GravelDuncan Hunter
Dennis KucinichJohn McCain
Barack ObamaRon Paul

Mitt Romney

Fred Thompson

Friday, January 18, 2008

Oh boy.....

You know for awhile now...actually for over a decade I have pondered the idea of becoming a fiction writer. Why haven't I? Take a look at the pic [about Brittney Spears] to the left. How can I with stuff like this floating around! No one would read fiction when the non-fiction literature out there hands beats anything I could think up.

I mean how I could I even come close to her life? Getting divorced, flashing your coochie to the world, shaving your head, kicking an SUVs arse with an umbrella, drug rehab stints, skipping court, losing your children AND NOW she, as person with no morals and ethics, wants MORE kids and to convert to a very principled founded religon.

I just want to interject something here and maybe people will pick up on what I am talking about. Can we stop pissing of the Islamic as of now. I think we need to do as much damage control as we can before Brittney becomes the next Celine Dion of America to the Islamic world.

Her life is pure blogger fodder.

This is b*ll$h^t

Is this shameless political pandering?

Seriously! I already know out political system was derailed when we congealed into a two party system. It basically isolated 60% of Americans from having their voices heard.

So now we have [approved?] political racism? Its not just Billary doing this. Obama too was seen surfing the crowd of purely black people. Which, hey its fine if thats your choice. If you want to be a racist then your free to do so. Just don't expect me to vote for a president that openly supports racism. Even this Texas boy knows right from wrong and picking a shot like this is openly racist.

It basically tells me that you will openly select a group of people based solely on their skin color to promote a concept that she is a friend of blacks. This is also called reverse racism or to educated folks just plain racism. Its a little know fact that to judge a persons character based solely on their pedigree of that person is: race + ism = racism.

Doesn't this bother anyone that she (and Obama) are trying to CONvince that all the sudden they are in tune with a racially selected group of Americans? Does it bother anyone that she, and politicians for years, has been pandering herself to a racially selected group of Americans while also doing everything she can to undermine their legitimate efforts to succeed in life by furthering an entitlement system that is predatory on blacks (which by the way is something that all people of every race engage in, just happens that black folks are the larger demographic)?

Does it bother anyone that she (and Obama) have not for years addressed the real issue facing most of the demographic of the group she (and Obama) selected based on the color of their skin? That she (and Obama) should know by now that this racially selected demographic that under siege not by other racially selected American but from its own demographic.

That predatory "illegal" drug laws, corrupt government schools, and a lack of leadership from all leaders about giving up the contemporary street life and becoming successful Americans are the cause of most issues to blacks? That she (and Obama) and others continue to escape the real causes of this racially selected group of Americans by blaming Republicans or bad government by not giving enough programs or more money to schooling or what not. That by removing the root cause of the issue that she is, in fact, forcing this racially selected group into a mental state of slavery.

Yes..... I am sick of how this racially selected group, and how all other racially selected groups, are treated here in America. Racism pisses me off and this picture set me off this morning and I haven't even checked my g-d damn e-mail yet.

Mood: hacked off

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Long time comin'

Thank god! Its been raining the last couple of days and all the Cedar pollen is washed from the air.....for now. And I finally was able to sleep through the night. So win win.

I don't know if I blogged about this in the past but one thing I love to do it order Chinese food on a rainy day. Nothing is more soul warming then a good rain shower and some Chow Mein. This time I thought I would try the local Hao Ling Kat Chinese place. YUM! That's all I gots to say! Yummy yum yum...

Even my daughter scarfed it down and she is the one that has been a picky eater lately. The Mandarin chicken was gone in a baby gobble...she even tried to copy daddy by using the chop sticks. So of course they end up her nose and she has a piece of chicken hanging out of her mouth.

A bad influence

I was making my morning blitz through the head lines before I started my work this morning. I happened to come across an article about B.S. that wondered if she is a bad influence on her sister, and mother to be, Jamie Lynn Spears.

My mind is numb

Stupid people need not apply

This came by the way of the lovely Tam. Mistress of the firearm, keyboard clacker extraordinaire, and advocate for the end of idiocracy. I know give you my favorite "Its your own ass" warning sign from the lovely people at Nelson Rocks Preserve

Link is current as of 1/17/2008


Nature is unpredictable and unsafe. Mountains are dangerous. Many books have been written about these dangers, and there's no way we can list them all here. Read the books.

Nelson Rocks Preserve is covered in steep terrain with loose, slippery and unstable footing. The weather can make matters worse. Sheer drops are everywhere. You may fall, be injured or die. There are hidden holes. You could break your leg. There are wild animals, which may be vicious, poisonous or carriers of dread diseases. These include poisonous snakes and insects. Plants can be poisonous as well. We don't do anything to protect you from any of this. We do not inspect, supervise or maintain the grounds, rocks, cliffs or other features, natural or otherwise.

Real dangers are present even on trails. Trails are not sidewalks. They can be, and are, steep, slippery and dangerous. Trail features made or enhanced by humans, such as steps, walls and railings (if any) can break, collapse, or otherwise fail catastrophically at any time. We don't promise to inspect, supervise or maintain them in any way. They may be negligently constructed or repaired. They are unsafe, period. Live with it or stay away.

Stay on the trails whenever possible. The terrain, in addition to being dangerous, is surprisingly complex. You may get lost. Carry food, water and first aid supplies at all times.

Rocks and other objects can fall from the cliffs. They can tumble down slopes. This can happen naturally, or be caused by people above you, such as climbers. Rocks of all sizes, including huge boulders, can shift, move or fall with no warning. Use of helmets (available at entrance station) is advised for anyone approaching the rock formations. They won't save you if you get hit by something big or on another part of your body. A whole rock formation might collapse on you and squash you like a bug. Don't think it can't happen.

Weather can be dangerous, regardless of the forecast. Be prepared with extra clothing, including rain gear. Hypothermia, heat stroke, lightning, ice and snow, etc. can kill you. Rain can turn easy terrain into a deathtrap.

If you scramble in high places (scrambling is moving over terrain steep enough to use your hands) without proper experience, training and equipment, or allow children to do so, you are making a terrible mistake. Even if you know what you're doing, lots of things can go wrong and you may be injured or die. It happens all the time.

The Preserve does not provide rangers or security personnel. The other people in the preserve, including other visitors, our employees, agents, and guests, and anyone else who might sneak in, may be stupid, reckless, or otherwise dangerous. They may be mentally ill, criminally insane, drunk, using illegal drugs and/or armed with deadly weapons and ready to use them. We aren't necessarily going to do anything about it. We refuse to take responsibility.

If you climb, you may die or be seriously injured. This is true whether you are experienced or not, trained or not, equipped or not, though training and equipment may help. It's a fact, climbing is extremely dangerous. If you don't like it, stay at home. You really shouldn't be doing it anyway. We do not provide supervision or instruction. We are not responsible for, and do not inspect or maintain, climbing anchors (including bolts, pitons, slings, trees, etc.) As far as we know, any of them can and will fail and send you plunging to your death. There are countless tons of loose rock ready to be dislodged and fall on you or someone else. There are any number of extremely and unusually dangerous conditions existing on and around the rocks, and elsewhere on the property. We may or may not know about any specific hazard, but even if we do, don't expect us to try to warn you. You're on your own.

Rescue services are not provided by the Preserve, and may not be available quickly or at all. Local rescue squads may not be equipped for or trained in mountain rescue. If you are lucky enough to have somebody try to rescue you or treat your injuries, they may be incompetent or worse. This includes doctors and hospitals. We assume no responsibility. Also, if you decide to participate in a rescue of some other unfortunate, that's your choice. Don't do it unless you are willing to assume all risks.

By entering the Preserve, you are agreeing that we owe you no duty of care or any other duty. We promise you nothing. We do not and will not even try to keep the premises safe for any purpose. The premises are not safe for any purpose. This is no joke. We won't even try to warn you about any dangerous or hazardous condition, whether we know about it or not. If we do decide to warn you about something, that doesn't mean we will try to warn you about anything else. If we do make an effort to fix an unsafe condition, we may not try to correct any others, and we may make matters worse! We and our employees or agents may do things that are unwise and dangerous. Sorry, we're not responsible. We may give you bad advice. Don't listen to us. In short, ENTER AND USE THE PRESERVE AT YOUR OWN RISK. And have fun!

NRP Management

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Lollipop Economics

Newsweek writer Rob Samuelson is starting to climb on my "I like to read" list for daily articles. Today he writes about Lollipop economics, which coming from Austrian Economics is preaching to the choir, and how lollipop economics are dangerous to the U.S. economic environment.

Now I want to use the term environment for a specific reason. One, I don't want to refer to it as a system. I don't want to give the impression that pulling one lever here will make something else rise somewhere else. Unfortunately for us and to politicians it doesn't work like that. Think about it, if it did then we would not be in a problem now would we.

No, U.S. economics...actually macro economics is an environment. Performing an activity in one part of the econo-sphere has many unpredictable changes across the econo-sphere. Lolly-popping, for instance, takes money from investors, workers, and consumers [alike, in the form of taxes] and uses that to stimulate "popular" part of the econo-sphere.

let's use the housing market as a sudo-case study. The candidates, except Ron Paul, want to stimulate the housing market. To do that loans must be issues and prime rates lowered. First, the investors will no engage at this level. A flood of low interest loans exponentially raises their risk and the low prime rate guaranties a little return on their investment. Remember that these investors have the money because they know how the market works and worked hard to earn a profit in the market. Their judgment is typically the best as they are the ones that have a direct pulse on what the consumer wants.

So the investors are not going to be hot for this stimuli. Lets take the worker, i.e. the real estate sector. The people that work to manage the transaction between to private parties (the buy and seller) are licking their chomps at this. Regardless if this is a good idea or bad idea, they want any "sense" that it is a good time to buy so they can in turn make a profit. Let it be known that its my opinion that they are the ones bytching about how the housing market is taking a tumble.

The economist that do not work for a right or left wing think tank call this a "market correction". Remember that El Presidente Bush stimulate the housing market early in the 2000's. Yeaeeeeeeh, those of us that watched the market from the Bush intervention, waited for this and bought our houses in April (raising hand).

Consumers, or at least those who happen to be shopping during the initial stimulus period are going to luck out. Of course those are the ones that are going to be making the news. And of course, why not. When the President stimulates a section of the market at the expense of the rest of the market (in its entirety) he or she will be toting that for as long as he or she can. During that time it create a false sense of opportunity.

Consumer continued.... in reality Consumers will have a hard time finding a lender that is willing to invest in them to purchase a home. Unless, of course there is some guarantee that they can make their money back. say in the sub notes or commonly known as Adjustable Rate Mortgages. People seeing a 4% prime will mess their pants at a chance to own a home for so cheap.

Consumer continued... "The screwing", After a period of time people will bytch that its hard to get a loan. Investors will bytch that they cannot make a reasonable profit. And then the magic happens, the Federal Reserve moves from the consumers side of the table and over to the investors side. Slowly they raise interest rates to quell the mass whining from the investment sector. And thus the implosion of the housing market as all the consumers holding an ARM get a collectively sodomized (with out lube). Let's be honest, if you took an ARM you deserve to get nailed. Shame on you.

Now the sector is foreclosing like Paris Hilton crossing off her boyfriend list. This infuses the market with surplus houses. Investors now lose their interest revenue. Consumers lose their consumption, and the workers lose their ability to work as the housing market sector collectively corrects itself......every body gets F'ed!

Why......because we bought into the Lollipop promises of the person you voted for.

And yes....I was one of those bastards that bought a foreclosed house at a fixed prime rate on the very last day before the the housing market start popping. Serious, we entered on Friday and the next Monday it went *pop*.

Tricking out the blog

Yo yo yo....heres the four one one on da changes here in the crib. First, my home boy at the bottom is a site meter. I hads one but it beotched out on yours truely. History, I gots me a bling.

Second, for ya hardcore bloggers. I gots me a clustrmap bling bling. Word up

Peace out, I gots to bounce

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

"Ladies and Gentlemen"

I am really digging this song by Salvia called "Ladies and Gentlemen". Its also one of those game console songs. Its got that gut rock in it....

More on Cedar Fever

I know this is going to be a bad year for Cedar fever. I look at all the trees in the yard, down the hill, across the valley, down the road, etc....and they are all just stock piling up for one monster splurge.

I've managed to blow enough snot of of my nose to grease all of our armored infantry units in Iraq and Afghanistan.

On a side note I found that the memory foam pillow I got my wife for Christian-Mas is very comfy. I decided to sleep in since I was up till 1am working on some project paper work. Just thought I'd tell you about the pillow in case you want to get me one.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Adding to my blog list

Off to the side you'll see two new links from my friend Monica. The first link is her 1001 things to do before she dies (which for me is age 30). The other is her wordpress blog of pure Moni-heaven. BTW, after a year of acclaimed nunnery foolishness she is finally dating again. So hands off'll have to wait your turn.
Well well well....looks like our lovable and entertaining little miss Spears is back on my screen again. Oh what fun and joy it is to have her vomited across head lines across the globe! Yay low standards of media! Of course I am one of them and it means I get to regurgitate the news. Yippie.....shameless Google hits!

Britnney Spears Britney Spears Britnay Spear Boobies Nude

K, that added a few more ;)

Looks like B.S. has taken to reading, and I don't mean quantitative black hole physics, no I mean that B.S. seems to be reading the Che Guerra hand book. Her latest
tra-la-la over the ambiguous plains of her reality involved 1) Her children 2) Her Ex 3) Enough lawyers to make Janet Reno cream his panties 4) a Judge. Yes folks, she was schedule to appear and testify to a judge for custody her of her children.

IIiiiin perfect B.S form and fashion, one B.S. managed to drive to the court house and speak to her lawyers. With logic that hands down competes with a drunken retarded chimp banging it head against the wall, Ms. Spears bolts from the court house in text book Che Guerra flare. Her last sighting is in her "paparazzi crusher" black SUV making that "driving into the sun set" silhouette as she hits it for the highway.

If she kept on reading she would have found out that she is going to be back stabbed by her biggest supporter all for some financial and military support from Russia.

This should be fun to watch.....

By the way....

By the way... it's Monday. Actually Yesterday was my Monday and today is my Tuesday. So what does that mean when Thursday roles around? It means I get to be screwed out of Friday until Friday is actually here. Basically I get double Thursdayed. Oh crap....did I just get verbed. Twice!

Well besides having to do work on the weekend I also got slammed with Cedar fever. For you yanks its that time in the year when all the NORTHERN Juniper trees (aka Cedar) start to spore out their pollen. Yes...for all you juvenile minds its tree sperm. We are all getting jizzed on.

You may have heard me rant about the Cedar trees before. Like how they drop my ground water table to jaw dropping levels. Or how they turn my soil in to fine brown baby powder. Or how they destroy growth of everything around them (even grass struggles). And you can add getting jizzed on too!

Folks around here call this Cedar fever. When basically all the cedar trees release their pollen spores in a relatively short period of time. Literally saturating the air with cedar pollen. To give you an idea of the magnitude of this ecological group orgy. You park you car over night and when you come out there will be a thick fine yellow powder that covers your car. I am not talking about "Oh, I forgot to dust my coffee table type of dust. I am talking about being able to draw Leonard Da Vinci's Genesis on your car type of coating.

Anyways, the point being that Cedar fever is congestion AND a runny noise, itchy eyes, pounding head ache, sore through (post nasal drip induced), itchy throat, feeling like you got run over by a train, and in a few cases people spontaneously combust. But you know what....we keep rolling. That's how we handle being sick in Texas. We keep punching in from 9 to 5, We keep the cows moving and the chicken clucking, We do what we need to do and we take it in stride. So to all you yanks and your devil trees...You may have won the war but by hell fire you'll never win our treedom!



And who doubted my elite hacking skill????

actually I doubted my skills.

Friday, January 11, 2008

South Carolina GOP Debates

Ron Paul is such a lucid speaker....totally owned everyone up there

A call to arms

As I ranted about in a previous post about the court systems enabling features of custody battles, it seems that fruit hasn't fallen from the tree for very long before it became time to talk about it.

In this case a blog friend of A.D. is under fire from her [abusive] ex-husband. Losing every case, found to be perjuring his own testimony, and other stuff (you can read the blog post). Now this piece of work is attempting to use the very weapon I talked about, harassment via litigation. Except this time the con-artist is using his mothers insurance money that she got when her husband died in a house fire 9I assume he died) to bleed this mother dry and ultimately gain custody by default when she cannot afford to contest.

Where is the court in this? When are they going to rule that he pays her legal fees for all the years he has tried to assault her with a wave of baseless motions and filings?

Anyways, if you get a chance read her story here and off to the right you'll see a donation link. Give a dollar, Five, Twenty, or maybe even $20k :)

Nevermind, nothing to see here

Moving along folks....nothing to see here.

Ok, well my dusty-rusty coding skills from days of old seem to be in finer tune than I had thought. I managed to fix my mess on the blog header and thing seem to look peachy up there.

Now I just need to get my comments back....

Note from the management

Please excuse the mess up top. I am screwing around with some of the code to utilize as much space as I can. Having to align text, links, forms, and images without using a table. Table code appears to cause blogger to get a case of the Hershey squirts as you saw with two previous posts using tables.

Back to the old format

Well folks...I have been using Neo, a third party blogger template, for some time now. I love the functionality of some of the stuff. For instance you can have your main post ready to read. If one of your readers wants to read your other posts then ONLY the post they want to read is loaded. Unlike the blogger templates which digs into your entire blog to pull the post in question. Simply it gets what it needs and not the whole damn thing.

I also liked how Neo gave you more options to take advantage of all the wasted space that the default blogger templates neglect to give you.

Anywho....for some reason the site meter wouldn't work with the Neo template. And let's face it, this blog is totally about my ego and that site meter is a must. Also it didn't allow me to delete those spammer comments that you can leave at the end of a post. And finally I had several of my friends say they didn't like it for much of the same reason....more so being able to see more than one post at a time.

So I decided to jump back to the old "Script" template. I feel less cool, less trendy, and down right just plain again......oh and for some reason all the comments are not showing up. This might be the thing that prompts me to build my own site like I have been thinking about. A place to publish all my letters, stories, pictures, etc.... but then again that's a lot of work.

Mood: Bummed

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Poltitical instability

So some changes to my political table I put out in the Iowa post. Despite his campaign website at the time, Presidential candidate Duncan Hunter is actually (back) in the race.

Also, it seems that Gov. Richardson is going to announce that he is dropping out if the race. I'll strike him out and take a screen shot this time when it is official.

Demlicans Republicrats
Hillary Clinton Don Giuliani
Bill Richardson Mike Huckabee
John Edwards Duncan Hunter
Mike Gravel John McCain
Dennis Kucinich Ron Paul
Barack Obama Mitt Romney
Fred Thompson