Monday, March 24, 2008

Back from vacation

So here I am in my cubical at work, listening to the Avett Brothers, and catching up on 200 or so more e-mails. I've been on a week long vacation and everything to leave work for any measurable length of time you get a back log of e-mails.

It was a nice vacation! Monday was St. Patricks day AND my wedding anniversery! My wife, daughter, and my wifes mother all muster up the courage to brave Austin for a few hours. There is one shinning emerald in downtown Austin, The Dog and Duck pub. It is where "they" hold the yearly Irish new Patrick's day to y'all. Plus Steve and Celeste, good friend and married to each other, meet us down there. It was a load off fun and for some reason the Scottish element came out and decided to join the fun with the bag pipes and skirts. Oh well....everyone is Irish on St. Patties.

Tuesday......pffffffffttttt....really can't remember what I did

Wednesday...played video games and went to Krav class

Thursday I tried to change the oil and managed to almost strip bald my drain plug

Friday got a call I've been waiting for. I'll tell you about it later down the road if everything pans out.

Saturday started work on the front walk way that the wifey has been asking me to complete for the last.....six or seven months :P

Sunday I spent in a state of depression as I realized I had to go to work the next day. I did go get to see my wifes mother. Always good to see her. I also got to visit with my grandmother and Aunt and Uncle later on in the day.

My vacation was anything special in terms of some grand adventure but it was nice and I REALLY need a break from work. Even as I type this I wish I had another vacation coming up....

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