Monday, March 24, 2008

Police oppression

"Federal court on Monday is set to hear the 2005 case of a man beaten by three Austin police officers.

Ramon Hernandez was beaten and shocked with a Taser during a September 2005 arrest for leaving the scene of an accident, a charge that was later dismissed. That following March, two of the officers involved were found not guilty of official oppression."

The police down in socialist Austin are pretty anyone not white. Its never been a secret and they do so very little to hide it. Oh sure..every once in a while when the ACLU comes in and defends someone they go into a "sensitivity training" class to appease the public and try to cleanse the publics moral conscience of any wrong doing.

But lets face it....the executive thug force of the mayor has wrought with improprieties. Do a google search for the Austin PD. You will find that they are constantly getting sued for wrongful death, police oppression, racial slurs, mistreatment of any not white, and a growing and interesting list of news that will just boggle your mind.

Try and find the video of this event that I linked too. The poor son of a biscuit is hand cuffed, face down in an ant hill. Getting punched by a brutally strong officer of the law, then getting kicked, and tasered 11 times.

Is it really in the police manual that everyone that gets arrested must be unconscious?

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